CLASS NAME: F-2 "Nestar" |
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BRAD'S COMMENTS: A largish and (strangely for the Romulans) unarmed space platform, the F-2 is essentially a pint-sized spacedock facility, without the power or the superstructure. Useful in gaming terms as neither a defense output or a mobile repair center, the F-2 of FASA design is little better than a plot piece for campaigns wherein the objective is to capture or destroy these stations in orbit around their host planets. Because of their size, and because they might be as long-lived as other large space structures we have seen in Star Trek, I took the liberty of building out some extra stats for later versions of the F-2 which might prove more robust; and more interesting as playing items.
F-2 (Nestar) class Repair Facility
Known Sphere Of Operation: Empire-wide use
Data Reliability: B
Major Data Source: Klingon Sector Intelligence
NOTES: The F-2, which first appeared along border areas on Stardate 1/8504 and
has been found in increasing numbers ever since, is used to repair starships and
is capable of complete construction operations. When the Romulan High Command
made the commitment to ex- pand its defense posts, they made a similar
commitment to create frontline construction and repair facilities, be- cause
this capability would allow their ships to operate for longer periods of time in
or near enemy sectors, giving a constant military presence there. The Type 1
facility was introduced into service about Stardate 1/85. The Type 7, introduced
about Stardate 2/02, carried a slightly larger crew comple- ment, had increased
passenger facilities, and mounted more powerful shielding systems. Although
known as a mobile repairfacility, they are notcap- able of travelling any
distance under their own power. They have only cor- rectional navigation
thrusters that allow them to maintain whatever orbital pos- ition is necessary.
Most actually have been built in place, though some have been transported to
their present loca- tions. Of the approximately 90 built, most are still on
station and functioning at normal capacity. An additional F-2was built in orbit
around Freeman's Port in the Triangle; operated bya private con- cern, it takes
advantage of that planet's port to draw customers. The class is named from the
Romu- Ian narvasam stelas (nest of stars), in reference to its construction role
in the Road to the Stars. .
Construction Data: Model Numbers- Date Entering Service- Number Constructed |
Type 1 1/85 30 |
Type 7 2/02 60 |
Type 11 * 2301 A.D. unknown |
Type 12 * 2318 A.D. unknown |
Type 14 * 2337 A.D. unknown |
Hull Data: Superstructure Points- Damage Chart- Size Diameter- Height- Weight- Cargo Cargo Units- Cargo Capacity- Landing Capability- |
4 C 780 meters 800 meters 127,000 tons 200 units 10,000 tons none |
6 C 780 meters 800 meters 141,000 tons 200 units 10,000 tons none |
45 C 780 meters 800 meters 326,000 tons 300 units 15,000 tons none |
68 C 780 meters 800 meters 349,800 tons 300 units 15,000 tons none |
76 C 780 meters 800 meters 361,250 tons 300 units 15,000 tons none |
Equipment Data: Control Computer Type- Transporters- Standard 9-person- Emergency 20-person- cargo- Cloaking Device Type- Power Requirement- |
(unknown?) 2 1 1 none - |
(unknown?) 2 1 1 none - |
RSCX-B 4 2 2 none - |
RSCX-B 4 2 2 none - |
RSCX-B 4 2 2 none - |
Other Data: Crew- Other personnel- Shuttlecraft- |
163 150 2 |
178 220 2 |
235 300 8 |
235 300 8 |
220 300 8 |
Engines and Power Data: Total Power Units Available- Movement Point Ratio- Reactor Type- Number- Power Units Available- |
16 station-keeping thrusters only! RIPG-1 1 16 |
16 station-keeping thrusters only! RIPG-1 1 16 |
144 station-keeping thrusters only! RMAPG-2 2 72 |
170 station-keeping thrusters only! RMAPG-2C 2 85 |
180 station-keeping thrusters only! RMAPG-2D 2 90 |
Weapons and Firing Data: Beam Weapon Type- Number- Firing Arcs- Firing Chart- Maximum Power- Damage Modifiers +3 +2 +1 Missile Weapon Type- Number- Firing Arcs- Firing Chart- Power to Arm- Damage- Plasma Weapon Type- Number- Firing Arcs- Firing Chart- Power to Arm- Damage- |
none none none |
none none none |
Shields Data: Deflector Shield Type- Shield Point Ratio- Maximum Shield Power- |
RSD 1/1 6 |
RSF 1/1 15 |
RSL-3 1/1 17 |
RSM-6 1/3 21 |
RSM-8 1/3 27 |
Defense Factor- Weapon Damage Factor- |
37.2 0.0 |
53.1 0.0 |
unknown unknown |
unknown unknown |
unknown unknown |
* Denotes completely hypothetical model number and stats, devised by Brad R. Torgersen.