V-27 "Comet of Destruction" Class ● Cruiser ● Romulan Empire
ALONG WITH THE FORMIDABLE V-30 CLASS, the V-27 represents the apex of Romulan cruiser design from the Motion Picture-Kirk era. Sleek, bird-like, powerful, the V-27 is a solid performer and can challenge even Federation heavy cruisers like the Miranda/Reliant. Unlike some other Romulan designs from the FASA days, this is one design I have never had any trouble imagining on the big screen. Its sweeping wings and predatory stance seem like a logical intermediate Romulan step between the old teardrop cruiser of TOS and the menacing, hook-beaked beast of TNG. Like the Chandley class from the Federation book, I have always wished that the V-27 (and the V-30 alongside it) would get some kind of official recognition. It's a great looking class and it plays great too. So much so, I went ahead and added several additional types which allow the V-27 to bridge into the pre-Picard years, prior to Next Generation. — BRT
Construction Data: Model Numbers- Ship Class- Date Entering Service- Number Constructed |
Type 1 XII 2/16 30 |
Type 2 XII 2/18 20 |
Type 5 * XII unknown unknown |
Type 6 * XII unknown unknown |
Type 7 * XIII unknown unknown |
Type 9 * XIII unknown unknown |
Hull Data: Superstructure Points- Damage Chart- Size Length- Width- Height- Weight- Cargo Cargo Units- Cargo Capacity- Landing Capability- |
25 C 190 meters 305 meters 120 meters 188,700 tons 440 units 22,000 tons none |
26 C 190 meters 305 meters 120 meters 193,400 tons 440 units 22,000 tons none |
28 C 190 meters 305 meters 120 meters 202,500 tons 440 units 22,000 tons none |
29 C 190 meters 305 meters 120 meters 208,000 tons 440 units 22,000 tons none |
31 C 190 meters 305 meters 120 meters 216,500 tons 440 units 22,000 tons none |
32 C 190 meters 305 meters 120 meters 222,300 tons 440 units 22,000 tons none |
Equipment Data: Control Computer Type- Transporters- Standard 9-person- Emergency 20-person- cargo- Cloaking Device Type- Power Requirement- |
R5M 4 4 2 RCE 38 |
R6M 4 4 2 RCE 38 |
R6M 4 4 2 RCE 38 |
R6M 4 4 2 RCE 38 |
RSCW-S 4 4 2 RCE 38 |
RSCW-S 4 4 2 RCE 38 |
Other Data: Crew- Troops- Passengers- Shuttlecraft- |
420 none none 6 |
420 none none 6 |
420 none none 6 |
420 none none 6 |
420 none none 6 |
420 none none 6 |
Engines and Power Data: Total Power Units Available- Movement Point Ratio- Warp Core Type- Power Units Available- Stress Charts- Maximum Safe Cruising Speed- Emergency Speed- Impulse Engine Type- Power Units Available- |
52 4/1 RWG-1 48 G/L Warp 7 Warp 9 RID-1 4 |
52 4/1 RWG-1 48 G/L Warp 7 Warp 9 RID-1 4 |
63 2/1 RTWC-3 52 G/L Warp 7 Warp 9 RIF-II 11 |
67 2/1 RTWC-3 52 G/L Warp 7 Warp 9 RIF-IV 15 |
77 2/1 RTWC-4 62 G/L Warp 7 Warp 9 RIF-IV 15 |
82 2/1 RTWC-4 62 G/L Warp 7 Warp 9 RIF-V 20 |
Weapons and Firing Data: Beam Weapon Type- Number- Firing Arcs- Firing Chart- Maximum Power- Damage Modifiers +3 +2 +1 Beam Weapon Type- Number- Firing Arcs- Firing Chart- Maximum Power- Damage Modifiers +3 +2 +1 Missile Weapon Type- Number- Firing Arcs- Firing Chart- Power to Arm- Damage- |
RB-10 4 in 2 banks 2f/s, 2f/p U 8 (1 - 8) (9 - 16) (17 - 20) RB-6 2 A T 6 (1 - 18) RP-2 2 1f, 1a H 1 8 |
RB-11 4 in 2 banks 2f/s, 2f/p V 9 (1 - 10) (11 - 16) (17 - 21) RB-6 2 A T 6 (1 - 18) RP-3 2 1f, 1a Q 1 10 |
RB-11 4 in 2 banks 2f/s, 2f/p V 9 (1 - 10) (11 - 16) (17 - 21) RWW-H 4 a/p, a/s T 10 (1 - 15) (16 - 22) (23 - 30) RTA-C 2 1f, 1a M 2 15 |
RD-19 6 in 3 banks 2f, 2f/s, 2f/p U 14 (1 - 7) (8 - 14) (15 - 20) RWW-H 4 a/p, a/s T 10 (1 - 15) (16 - 22) (23 - 30) RTA-E 2 1f, 1a N 1 20 |
RD-19 6 in 3 banks 2f, 2f/s, 2f/p U 14 (1 - 7) (8 - 14) (15 - 20) RWW-H 4 a/p, a/s T 10 (1 - 15) (16 - 22) (23 - 30) RPT-1N 2 1f, 1a O 2 25 |
RD-19 6 in 3 banks 2f, 2f/s, 2f/p U 14 (1 - 7) (8 - 14) (15 - 20) RWW-H 4 a/p, a/s T 10 (1 - 15) (16 - 22) (23 - 30) RPT-1N 2 1f, 1a O 2 25 |
Shields Data: Deflector Shield Type- Shield Point Ratio- Maximum Shield Power- |
RSN 1/2 15 |
RSN 1/2 15 |
RSN 1/2 15 |
RSM-6 1/3 21 |
RSM-6 1/3 21 |
RSM-7 1/3 24 |
Defense Factor- Weapon Damage Factor- |
93.8 64.2 |
95.2 79.6 |
unknown unknown |
unknown unknown |
unknown unknown |
unknown unknown |
* Denotes hypothetical class types devised by Brad R. Torgersen