"Bright One" |
![]() Port view |
![]() Bow view |
Perhaps more than any other Romulan design from the old FASA days, the T-10
destroyer most closely resembles the motion picture "Bird of Prey"
aesthetic first seen in Star Trek III. As noted
other pages within this site, the technology exchange between the Romulans
and Klingons became a major facet of FASA's Trek history, while in official
canon the technology exchange's status remains cloudy at best. Based on
FASA's Trek history, the T-10 seems like a very natural extension of the 'new'
design aesthetic that takes over the Romulan navy beginning about the same time
of the introduction of the Constitution
Refit Class. The long neck, command pod, and feathered wings are all
very reminiscent of the S-11 scout as well as late-model
big cruisers like the V-27 and especially the
As a companion to the V-27 and the
V-30 the Type 2 model of this design is very competent, mainly because of the
inclusion of a torpedo. Already having good power output from the engines,
the T-10 Type 2's torpedo adds a powerful first punch for a ship of its
relatively small size. The T-10 is well-balanced in terms of affording
enough power to move, raise shields, and fire weapons, though at 10
superstructure points, once the shields are down the T-10 can't last too long in
a protracted battle. The cloaking device makes all the difference in the
world, of course, allowing this class to perform fast sneak attacks. Used
in squadrons of three to six ships, the T-10 can be a very deadly little
opponent for even big Federation cruisers.
Like with the V-27 and V-30, I
postulate that the T-10 has a long service life, extending up to and perhaps
including the Dominion War. The T-10, while old, would probably see
a renewed interest on the part of the Romulans, due to the danger posed by the
small, deadly Jem'hadar
attack ship, which can easily fly rings around the humongous
D'daridex. Though not nearly as
powerful or armored as the Jem'hadar destroyer, the T-10 and other Alpha/Beta
Quadrant destroyers would become vital in their role as maneuverable,
quick-hitting escorts capable of engaging the Jem'hadar destroyers while larger,
slower, lumbering brutes (like the D'daridex) duke it out with the
Jem'hadar capital cruisers.
Again, massed in squadrons of three to six ships, the T-10 makes a superb
T-10 (Bright One) Class VI-VII Destroyer
Known Sphere Of Operation: Border
Data Reliability: C
Major Data Source: Border patrol contact reports
The T-10s were designed to replace the older T-2 (Death Talon) models in patrol missions, and, therefore, several of the shortcomings of the older ships were eliminated.
Reportedly, the most notable was the size and arrangement of the crew quarters, though Class B plans show the vessels to be small and cramped compared to similar
Federation vessels. The Type 2 vessels of recent years mount a larger impulse
engine and house a photon torpedo. Nearly all of the approximately 110 T-10s remain in active service.
Named for the reemea, a brightly-colored bird native to Corill, these
destroyers are painted by their crews in striking rainbow colors. Because
no two of these vessels look alike, the paint scheme may be used for positive
recognition; the scheme for seven of these vessels is recorded in Star Fleet
Construction Data: Model Numbers- Ship Class- Date Entering Service- Number Constructed |
Type 1 VI 2/16 90 |
Type 2 VI 2/21 20 |
Type 3 * VI 2306 A.D. unknown |
Type 4 * VII 2320 A.D. unknown |
Type 5 * VII 2343 A.D. unknown |
Type 6 * VII 2361 A.D. unknown |
Hull Data: Superstructure Points- Damage Chart- Size Length- Width- Height- Weight- Cargo Cargo Units- Cargo Capacity- Landing Capability- |
10 B 140 meters 180 meters 52 meters 61,300 tons 85 units 4,250 tons None |
11 B 140 meters 180 meters 52 meters 63,400 tons 85 units 4,250 tons None |
15 B 140 meters 180 meters 52 meters 76,250 tons 85 units 4,250 tons None |
18 B 140 meters 180 meters 52 meters 83,950 tons 85 units 4,250 tons None |
22 B 140 meters 180 meters 52 meters 89,120 tons 85 units 4,250 tons None |
28 B 140 meters 180 meters 52 meters 89,120 tons 85 units 4,250 tons None |
Equipment Data: Control Computer Type- Transporters- Standard 9-person- Emergency 20-person- cargo- Cloaking Device Type- Power Requirement- |
R4M 2 1 1 RCC 15 |
R4M 2 1 1 RCC 15 |
RSCV-L 2 1 1 RCC 15 |
RSCV-L 2 1 1 RCC 15 |
RSCV-M 2 1 1 RCC 15 |
RSCV-M 2 1 1 RCC 15 |
Other Data: Crew- Troops- Passengers- Shuttlecraft- |
122 None 5 1 |
122 None 5 1 |
102 None 5 1 |
87 None 5 2 |
75 None 5 2 |
75 None 5 2 |
Engines and Power Data: Total Power Units Available- Movement Point Ratio- Warp Engine Type- Number- Power Units Available- Stress Charts- Maximum Safe Cruising Speed- Emergency Speed- Impulse Engine Type- Power Units Available- |
34 3/1 RWC-2 2 15 N/Q Warp 6 Warp 7 RIC-2 4 |
40 3/1 RWC-2 2 15 N/Q Warp 6 Warp 7 RIE-1 10 |
54 2/1 RTWC-1 2 22 L/M Warp 8 Warp 9 RIE-1 10 |
68 2/1 RTWC-2 2 24 L/N Warp 8 Warp 9 RIF-V 20 |
72 2/1 RTWC-3 2 26 L/N Warp 8 Warp 9 RIF-V 20 |
80 2/1 RTWC-3 2 26 L/N Warp 8 Warp 9 RIF-IX 28 |
Weapons and Firing Data: Beam Weapon Type- Number- Firing Arcs- Firing Chart- Maximum Power- Damage Modifiers +3 +2 +1 Missile Weapon Type- Number- Firing Arcs- Firing Chart- Power To Arm- Damage- |
RB-8 4 in two banks 2f/p, 2f/s N 6 (1 - 4) (5 - 9) (10 - 13) None |
RB-8 4 in two banks 2f/p, 2f/s N 6 (1 - 4) (5 - 9) (10 - 13) RP-3 1 F Q 1 10 |
RB-8 6 in three banks 2f/p, 2f/s, 2a N 6 (1 - 4) (5 - 9) (10 - 13) RP-3 3 in three bays 1f/p, 1f/s, 1a Q 1 10 |
RB-8 8 in three banks 3f/p, 3f/s, 2a N 6 (1 - 4) (5 - 9) (10 - 13) RTA-C 3 in three bays 1f/p, 1f/s, 1a M 2 15 |
RB-8 8 in three banks 3f/p, 3f/s, 2a N 6 (1 - 4) (5 - 9) (10 - 13) RTA-E 3 in three bays 1f/p, 1f/s, 1a N 1 20 |
RB-8 8 in three banks 3f/p, 3f/s, 2a N 6 (1 - 4) (5 - 9) (10 - 13) RTA-E 5 in four bays 2f, 1f/s, 1f/p, 1a N 1 20 |
Shields Data: Deflector Shield Type- Shield Point Ratio- Maximum Shield Power- |
RSE 1/2 8 |
RSE 1/2 8 |
RSK-6 1/1 13 |
RSM-6 1/3 21 |
RSM-7 1/3 24 |
RSM-7 1/3 24 |
Defense Factor- Weapon Damage Factor- |
56.3 24.8 |
57.7 33.1 |
unknown unknown |
unknown unknown |
unknown unknown |
unknown unknown |
* Denotes completely hypothetical model number and stats, devised by Brad R. Torgersen.